This Institute of National Importance is a unique mulit-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata, with Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 37 नेल्सन माणिकम रोड, चेटौ डी अम्पा, अमीनजिकराय, चेन्नई 600029, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 7 एसजेएस संसदवाल मार्ग, नई दिल्ली 110016, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 8 वीं मील, मैसूर रोड, आर.वी. कॉलेजिज पोस्ट, बैंगलोर 560059, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, तेजपुर विश्वविद्यालय; असम 784028, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 37 नेल्सन माणिकम रोड, चेटौ डी अम्पा, अमीनजिकराय, चेन्नई 600029, भारत
View mapभारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, फर्स्ट फ्लोर, 514, मेटतुपलयम रोड उत्तर कोयंबटूर कोयंबटूर 641043, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान "गुलाब विला" पीओ। नई बरगंद गिरिडीह 815 301 झारखंड, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, स्ट्रीट नं 8, हबीसिगुडा, हैदराबाद 500007, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, तीसरा तल, कक्ष संख्या 320 केंद्र सरकार कार्यालय भवन (प्रतिस्थ भवन) 101, महर्षि करवे रोड मुंबई 400020, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, "विश्वविद्या", बी -9, बी-विंग, गांधी भवन सर्वेक्षण संख्या 36 के पास तीसरा मंजिल MHADA बुलडिंग, कोथरुड पुणे 411038, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान 401 तीर्थक फ्लैट 54/1 अरुणोदय सोसाइटी, अलकपुरी वडोदरा 390007, भारत
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
Latest Notices:
Applications are invited for the recruitment of five (05) Project Linked Person (Junior Research Assistants) purely on a temporary basis to work on the project titled "Vidyaapati: Bidirectional Machine Translation Involving Bengali, Konkani, Maithili, Marathi, and Hindi" (2022-2025) funded by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India and carried out in the Linguistic Research Unit (LRU), Kolkata of the Institute.
Contact person: Linguistic Research Unit (LRU), (033)-2575-3281
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked Research Associate/ Research Engineer purely on temporary basis to work in the project titled “Spiking Neural Networks” sponsored by Ericsson India Pvt. Ltd. and executed at the Advanced Computing & Microelectronics Unit, Kolkata of the Indian Statistical Institute.
Contact person: Advanced Computing & Microelectronics Unit, (033)-2575-3012
Applications are invited for engagement of one purely temporary part-time Yoga Instructor on contract basis, and one purely temporary part-time Football Instructor on contract basis at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Headquarter in Kolkata against advertisement No.REC-12/2024-4, KOL dated 03.12.2024.
A walk-in-interview will be conducted on 19 December 2024 (Thursday) at 11:30 a.m. in the seminar room of the Electronics & Communication Sciences Unit, 9th Floor, Satyan Bose Bhavan (Library Building) of the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata for the recruitment of two (02) Project linked persons (one position each for Project 1&2) and one (01) Project linked Junior Research Fellow (under Project 3) purely on temporary basis to work on the following research projects titled (1) “Design and Development of IoT-Based Affective Computing Technologies for Healthcare Applications”; (2) “A Cross-Layer Approach for Designing Secure Cyber-Physical Systems”; and (3) “Deployment of Services related to Image and Video Understanding in 5G Infrastructure” in the Electronics & Communication Sciences Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
(Advertisement No.: REC-6/2021-3,KOL Dated: 30.06.2021)
A walk-in-interview will be conducted on 30 September 2022 at 11:00 a.m. with maintaining all preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Global Pandemic as directed by the Government of India at the Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), 3rd Floor of the Platinum Jubilee Academic Building of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked person purely on temporary basis to work for the project titled “Anomaly Detection in Streaming Environment for IoT and Sensor Data” in the Machine Intelligence Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Machine Intelligence Unit, (033)-2575-3100
In partial modification of the advertisement No.PU/507/ADV/579 dated 15 September 2022, walk-in-interview for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked person purely on temporary basis in the Machine Intelligence Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked person purely on temporary basis to work full time in the project titled “A multidimensional study on the Gondwana crocodylomorphs from the continental Jurassic of India” at the Geological Studies Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Geological Studies Unit, (033)-2575-3150
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of One (01) Project linked Junior Research Fellow on purely temporary basis to work in a project titled “Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for Cryptanalysis” funded by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), in the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML) of the Institute. The candidate is expected to carry out fundamental research in developing theories and applications of Machine Learning in Cryptology. An interview may be conducted online depending on the COVID-19 global pandemic situation.
Contact person: Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML)
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the recruitment of one (01) Research Associate purely on temporary basis at the Agricultural & Ecological Research Unit under Biological Sciences Division of the Indian Statistical Institute. The selected candidates would be placed in Category I, II and III depending on the qualification and experience as per OM No.SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30 January 2019.
Contact person: Biological Sciences Division.
A walk-in-interview will be conducted on 11 November 2022 at 11:30 a.m. with maintaining all preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Global Pandemic as directed by the Government of India in the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit Seminar Room, 8th Floor, S.N. Bose Bhawan for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked person purely on temporary basis to work in the project titled “Image Based Estimation of Air Quality” in the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit, (033)-2575-2850
संपर्क करें
अन्य केंद्र
भारतीय सांख्यिकीय संस्थान
203, बैरकपुर ट्रंक रोड,
कोलकाता – 700108, पश्चिम बंगाल, भारत
+91 33 2575-2001
© भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान 2019