This Institute of National Importance is a unique mulit-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata, with Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 37 नेल्सन माणिकम रोड, चेटौ डी अम्पा, अमीनजिकराय, चेन्नई 600029, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 7 एसजेएस संसदवाल मार्ग, नई दिल्ली 110016, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 8 वीं मील, मैसूर रोड, आर.वी. कॉलेजिज पोस्ट, बैंगलोर 560059, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, तेजपुर विश्वविद्यालय; असम 784028, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 37 नेल्सन माणिकम रोड, चेटौ डी अम्पा, अमीनजिकराय, चेन्नई 600029, भारत
View mapभारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, फर्स्ट फ्लोर, 514, मेटतुपलयम रोड उत्तर कोयंबटूर कोयंबटूर 641043, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान "गुलाब विला" पीओ। नई बरगंद गिरिडीह 815 301 झारखंड, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, स्ट्रीट नं 8, हबीसिगुडा, हैदराबाद 500007, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, तीसरा तल, कक्ष संख्या 320 केंद्र सरकार कार्यालय भवन (प्रतिस्थ भवन) 101, महर्षि करवे रोड मुंबई 400020, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, "विश्वविद्या", बी -9, बी-विंग, गांधी भवन सर्वेक्षण संख्या 36 के पास तीसरा मंजिल MHADA बुलडिंग, कोथरुड पुणे 411038, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान 401 तीर्थक फ्लैट 54/1 अरुणोदय सोसाइटी, अलकपुरी वडोदरा 390007, भारत
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
Latest Notices:
Panels of the Selected candidates for the posts of Administrative Officer & Senior Administrative Officer against the Advt. No. REC-10/2023-7, KOL dated 28.10.2023.
Applications are invited for the recruitment of One (01) Post Doc Fellow, Two (02) SRF/JRF/RA/PA/Young Fellows, and Two (02) Project linked personnel on a purely temporary basis to work in a Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India sponsored research project entitled "Information Security Education Awareness (ISEA) Phase -III" at the R.C. Bose Centre for Cryptology and Security (RCBCCS), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
Applications are invited for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked Junior Research Fellow (JRF) purely on temporary basis to work in a Science and engineering Research Board (SERB). Government of India sponsored research project titled “Infinite Dimensional Analysis in Modern Economics Scenarios” at the Economic Research Unit, Kolkata of the Indian Statistical Institute.
Contact person: Economic Research Unit, (033)-2575-2600
A walk-in-interview will be conducted on 25 July 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), 3rd Floor of the Platinum Jubilee Academic Building of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), 203 B.T. Road, Kolkata - 700108, for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked Junior Research Fellow purely on temporary basis to work for the project titled “Artificial Intelligence for Affordable Screening and Prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy in the Framework of Big Data” funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and to be carried out by the Machine Intelligence Unit, Kolkata of the Institute.
Contact person: Machine Intelligence Unit, (033)-2575-3100
A walk-in-interview will be conducted on 19 July 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), 3rd Floor of the Platinum Jubilee Academic Building of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), 203 B.T. Road, Kolkata - 700108, for the recruitment of one (01) Project Scientist purely on temporary basis to work for the project “National Network Project of Bose Institute with Indian Statistical Institute and Vidyasagar University” in the Machine Intelligence Unit, Kolkata of the Institute.
Contact person: Machine Intelligence Unit, (033)-2575-3100
(Advertisement No.: REC-6/2020-3,Kol Dated: 20.06.2020)
With reference to the advertisement No.PU/507/ADV/2656 dated 07 January 2021, applicants are hereby informed that the entire recruitment process is postponed till further order due to the administrative reasons.
Contact person: Advanced Computing & Microelectronics Unit, 033-2575-3012
The Institute invites applications for one post of Deputy Chief Executive (Administration) ‘B’ on deputation basis. Those who have applied earlier against Advertisement No.REC-07/2020-4, KOL Dated: 18.07.2020 need not apply again.
Feel free to contact:
(Advertisement No.: REC-6/2021-3,KOL Dated: 30.06.2021)
An online interview will be conducted on 28 July 2021 for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked person purely on temporary basis to work in the project meant to collect data among male elderly people living in Kolkata slums Biological Anthropology Unit and Biological Sciences Division of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Biological Anthropology Unit, (033)-2575-3200
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of four (04) Project linked persons under one position in Category ‘A’, one position in Category ‘B’ and two positions in Category ‘C’ purely on temporary basis to work in the following projects mentioned under in the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Name of the projects:
1. Automatic Handwriting Answer-script Evaluation.
2. Air Writing Recognition.
3. Remote Intelligent Baby Monitoring.
Contact person: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit, (033)-2575-2850
Click here to apply:
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of two (02) Project linked persons (one from Linguistics and one from Computer Science) on purely temporary basis in the Linguistic Research Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Linguistic Research Unit, (033)-2575-3280
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked person on purely temporary basis at the Human Genetics Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Human Genetics Unit, (033)-2575-3240
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata is inviting applications from highly motivated and eligible candidates for the recruitment of one (01) Project linked Junior Research Fellow (JRF) purely on temporary basis to work full time in the project titled “Robust Statistical Learning for High-Dimensional Biomedical and Omics Data”, funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India and to be carried out at the Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person:
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata is inviting applications for the recruitment of two (02) Project linked persons purely on temporary basis to work on the following projects titled (1) “Robust and Minimum Divergence ”, (2) “Outlier – Robust Methods in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics using Density Power Divergence” at the Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Unit of the Institute, Kolkata.
Contact person: Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Unit, (033)-2575-5025
संपर्क करें
अन्य केंद्र
भारतीय सांख्यिकीय संस्थान
203, बैरकपुर ट्रंक रोड,
कोलकाता – 700108, पश्चिम बंगाल, भारत
+91 33 2575-2001
© भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान 2019